JoBSIS 2004, Kurs Approximationsalgorithmen

JoBSIS 2004, Kurs Approximationsalgorithmen

Leitung: Prof. Dr. E.W. Mayr, TUM
Prof. Dr. A. Steger, ETHZ
Prof. Dr. M. Bläser, ETHZ
Inhalt: Viele Optimierungsprobleme, die in praktischen Anwendungen sehr oft vorkommen, sind NP-hart. Wenn nun angenommen wird, dass die Problemklassen P und NP nicht gleich sind, dann ist die Lösung dieser Probleme aus praktischer Hinsicht nicht möglich - sie würde sehr viele Resourcen (Zeit und evtl. Speicherplatz) in Anspruch nehmen. Aus diesem Grund ist man daran interessiert, effiziente Algorithmen anzugeben, mit denen sich die exakte Lösung dieser Probleme approximieren lässt. Wichtige Fragestellungen, die in diesem Zusammenhang betrachtet werden, ist zum einen die Approximationsgüte, die die garantierte maximale Abweichung von der optimalen Lösung beschreibt und zum anderen die Frage ob ein gegebenes Problem überhaupt innerhalb einer gegebenen Approximationsgüte approximierbar ist.

In diesem Kurs wurden Techniken und Verfahren behandelt, mit denen Approximationsalgorithmen konstruiert werden können; zusätzlich wurden Methoden vorgestellt, die es erlauben, diese Algorithmen zu analysieren und ihre Güte zu berechnen. Um schliesslich ein umfassendes Bild über die Theorie der Approximationsalgorithmen zu erhalten, fand ein kleiner Ausflug in die Komplexitätsklassen für Optimierungsprobleme statt.
Vortragender: Ulrich Bauer
Studienfach: Student Informatik, TUM
Vortragsthema: Some Simple and Surprising Approximation Results
Folien: Teaser
Inhalt: Introduction into the topic Approximation Algorithms via examples: Vertex Cover, Set Cover, Steiner Tree, TSP, Multiway Cut, Minimum k-Cut
Vortragender: Stefan Kugele
Studienfach: Student Informatik, TUM
Vortragsthema: Complexity Classes for Optimization Problems
Folien: Complexitytheory
Inhalt: Algorithmic Complexity Classes: APX, PTAS, FPTAS, Gap-Technique and examples
Vortragender: Stefan Eckhardt
Studienfach: Doktorand Informatik, TUM
Vortragsthema: Shortest Common Superstring
Folien: SCS
Inhalt: Given a set of strings, the Shortest Common Superstring Problem is the Problem of finding a string, called the superstring, such that all given strings are substrings of the superstring and such that the superstring is shortest possible. The problem has its application first and foremost in computational biology, especially in the analysis of the genome. Here the strings are a set of fragments of a gene and the task is to reconstruct the sequence of the original gene. There is some evidence, that the shortest possible of all superstrings is very close to the original sequence.

In this talk only the combinatorial problem is covered. It is NP-hard but in APX. Some methods, based on Cycle Covers and Maximum Traveling Salesperson, are introduced to approximate the problem.
Vortragender: Markus Herrmansdörfer
Studienfach: Student Informatik, TUM
Vortragsthema: Introduction to Linear Programming and Duality
Folien: IntrotoLP
Inhalt: Constructing approximation algorithms with the aid of linear programming (LP) is one of the most important and universal approaches in this domain. This talk provides an introduction to linear programming by first deriving the LP-duality theorem and by showing the connection between min-max-relations and LP-duality. In the end, the most important LP-based algorithm design techniques like rounding and primal-dual schema are stated and compared to each other.
Vortragender: Alexander Offtermatt-Souza
Studienfach: Doktorand Informatik, ETHZ
Vortragsthema: Knapsack and Bin Packing
Folien: Knapsack
Inhalt: The Knapsack Problem is one of the most fundamental problems in Computerscience. It has various applications, is very well understood and therefore often is the starting point for the development of new algorithmic methods. In this talk two versions of the problem are covered, the deterministic problem and a stochastic variation, where profits, weights and the capacities are assumed to underly some propability distribution. An easy 1/2-Approximation based on a greedy strategy and an approximation algorithm based on the technique of LP-Relaxation are presented. Then the algorithm of Nemhauser und Ullmann is presented, which has a polynomial expected running time in the stochastic model.
Maximum Satisfiability
Vortragender: Martin Marciniszyn
Studienfach: Doktorand Informatik, ETHZ
Folien: MaxSatSlides
Inhalt: The Algorithm of Lieberherr and Specker is presented, which is a 3/4-approximation for the MAX-SAT Problem.
Vortragender: Thomas Heynen
Studienfach: Student Informatik, ETHZ
Vortragsthema: Variations of Maximum Satisfiability and Further Rounding Techniques
Folien: MAXSAT/Pipage
Inhalt: Two rounding techniques especially designed to tackle problems with Cardinality Constraints (CC). These techniques enable the rounding of fractional solutions (of an LP) to Max SAT with CC, while maintaining the constraints
Vortragende: Dinara Barshevich
Studienfach: Student, St. Petersburg
Vortragsthema: Scheduling and Linear Programming
Folien: Scheduling
Inhalt: The presentation considers two principally different approximation approaches to scheduling problem. The first one is revealed in a constant-factor algorithm for the common case dealing with LP-technique, namely LP-rounding combined with parametric pruning. The other presents a PTAS for the restricted version of scheduling problem using bin packing reduction and dynamic programming.
Vortragender: Manuel Huber
Studienfach: Doktorand Informatik, ETHZ
Vortragsthema: Introduction into Semidefinite Programming
Folien: IntrotoSDP
Inhalt: The technique of semidefinite programming (SDP) is introduced. Approximation algorithms for the problems MAX-CUT, MAX-BISECTION and MAX-2SAT based on SDP are presented. Finally, LP is shown to be a special case of SDP.
Vortragender: Dieter Mitsche
Studienfach: Doktorand, ETHZ
Vortragsthema: Some Applications of Semidefinite Programming
Folien: ApplicationsofSDP
Inhalt: In this talk two recent papers dealing with applications of semidefinite programming (SDP) are presented. The first one (by A. Blum, G. Konjevod, R. Ravi and S. Vempala) shows how SDP can be used to obtain approximation guarantees for the minimum bandwidth problem which is known to be NP-hard. The second one (by U. Feige and J. Kilian) explains (among other things) how SDP can be used to find a mimimum bisection in semirandom graphs.
Multi Commodity Flow
Vortragender: Andreas Weissl
Studienfach: Doktorand Informatik, ETHZ
Folien: Part 1/Part 2
Inhalt: In the first part of the talk a detailed description how to apply the primal-dual schema to design an approximation algorithm for the multicommodity flow / minimum multicut problem in trees. Additionally a short outlook how to design an approximation algorithm for minimum multicut in general graphs will be given. Second part of the talk introduces flows over time and techniques for solving such problems. How to apply these methods to derive an FPTAS for quickest multicommodity flow, are presented as an outlook.
Vortragender: Jan Remy
Studienfach: Doktorand Informatik, ETHZ
Vortragsthema: Arora
Folien: Arora
Inhalt: The PTAS for the geometric version of the Travelling Salesperson Problem due to Arora is presented.
Vortragender: Justus Schwartz
Studienfach: Doktorand, ETHZ
Vortragsthema: Counting Problems
Folien: Counting
Inhalt: Counting the number of solutions of a Problem is fundamental. Randomized Approximation Schemes, Fully Polynomial Randomized Approximation Schemes, Uniform Sampling by rapidly mixing Markov Chains and as an application the Zero-One-Knapsack Problem are covered in this talk.